An unbreakable bond

In 2021, Andy Bridge’s life took a remarkable turn when he was paired with an Indiana Canine Assistant Network (ICAN) service dog.  

As a T6 paraplegic from a spinal cord injury, Andy uses a wheelchair full-time and wasn’t sure what tasks a service dog could perform to increase his independence. 

Andy, a dermatologist, was already familiar with ICAN as he had several patients that volunteered and urged him to apply for a service dog.  

To get a better sense of the role a service dog could play in his independence, Andy participated in a “test-run” with an ICAN dog. 

What he didn’t know was that the yellow labrador he was “testing with”, Frankie, was Andy’s perfect match. Shortly after meeting, the pair went through several days of extensive training to learn how to work together. 

As his service dog, Frankie performs a variety of tasks to help Andy live an independent life. Frankie can open and close doors, retrieve objects like Andy’s phone or keys, and bring packages inside from the doorstep.  

Frankie also goes to work with Andy and helps by picking up dropped items like glass microscope slides that are otherwise challenging to retrieve.  

Frankie’s role extends beyond being Andy’s service dog. He has also become a surprising companion, bringing joy and comfort to Andy’s daily life.  

Andy also notes that his interactions with the public have been positively impacted by Frankie, and he enjoys connecting with people about ICAN. 

“The owner-dog relationship was something I hadn’t thought about when I applied for an ICAN dog. Frankie is not only the perfect service dog, but also a perfect companion,” said Andy.  

You too can help clients like Andy find independence. Learn more at


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