Transformative tails 

Since starting as a Social Worker at Drauden Point Middle School in Plainfield, IL, Miriam Neugebauer dreamed of having a Facility Service Dog.  

In April of 2024, her dream came true when she was paired with Indiana Canine Assistant Network (ICAN) dog Connie. 

Even though Connie only spent six weeks working with her new students before her first summer break, Miriam observed how she inspired countless students to participate more actively in school activities.  

Notably, Miriam recalled one student who historically struggled with behavior began to work hard, be more productive and become more responsible in the classroom, all because they were motivated by the opportunity to take Connie on daily walks.  

While at school, Connie also helps students by modeling positive behavior. She sits calmly, with her eyes on the teacher, demonstrating how to be attentive and respectful during class.  

Connie also works with secondary handler and special education teacher Haley Koziol to reach as many students as possible in the school. 

Connie often works with students in multi-needs classrooms to learn functional skills. This includes ordering a meal, counting money to pay, and practicing positive manners while out in public.  

The best way for these students to learn the skills is to practice them on community trips to restaurants. As a facility service dog, Connie goes on outings with the students and models waiting her turn in line and giving eye contact to the employee when ordering food. 

“The students are in awe of Connie’s ability to be patient and focused. And they are motivated to learn from her,” said Miriam. 

For the upcoming school year, Miriam plans to incorporate Connie into small group activities and games. She spent the summer teaching Connie to hold playing cards and other objects. By participating in games with students, Connie will demonstrate important social skills like taking turns and working together.

For Miriam, Connie means the world. “I’ve been blessed with such a special dog,” she said, “and Connie’s impact on the school is immeasurable. She’s changed my life and the lives of so many students.” 

You can help support facility dogs like Connie. Learn more at  


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