We train psychiatric service dogs for Indiana Veterans so these brave men and women can overcome obstacles and live an independent life.

For many Indiana Veterans, the battle doesn’t end when they return home from service. Sadly, many experience PTSD and other service-related trauma that significantly impacts their quality of life for years. ICAN is here to help.

Qualifications for veterans:

To qualify, Veterans must be referred by Veteran Affairs Northern Indiana Health Care System and provide the following:

  • Referral from a medical professional

  • ROI form

  • DD-214 discharge papers acknowledging Honorable Discharge

  • 50% or above service-connected disability rating, including PTSD, c-PTSD, MST, and/or TBI diagnosis

  • Live in Allen County or ten surrounding counties

We are proud to offer honorably discharged Veterans their service dogs free of cost.

All applicants must be in active mental health treatment, and their provider must be willing and able to communicate with our team on an as-needed basis. For any applicants with a history of substance abuse, ICAN requires at least six months of sobriety before beginning our program.

Our psychiatric service dogs for veterans can be trained to:

  • Apply deep pressure therapy

  • Alert and react to emotional responses

  • Turn on lights

  • Provide mobility assistance (balance)

  • Retrieve and carry objects & medications

  • Wake alert during nightmares

  • Interrupt flashbacks

  • And more!

Meet an aMAZING ICAN Client

Since returning from active duty in 2004, ICAN client Suzanne has struggled with service-related trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and severe anxiety. But thanks to her ICAN service dog Dobby, she now has the courage to step outside her comfort zone and try new things again. She says ICAN has helped her reclaim her independence.

recover from injury and trauma with a psychiatric service dog by your side.

To inquire, please contact our Client Success Manager Sandi Clark.