Unleashing new potential 

Volunteer Bob Monday with an ICAN service dog in training

For 40 years, Bob Monday dreamed of training dogs to help others, and in 2016 when he retired, that dream finally became a reality when he found the Indiana Canine Assistant Network (ICAN).

Throughout his years volunteering with the organization, Bob has taken on many important roles – furloughing, outreach, mentoring, puppy raising, and more. However, it’s his most recent role as a Breeder Caretaker to a yellow Labrador, Reba, that has been the most special to him.

As a Breeder Caretaker, Bob’s role goes far beyond just daily care of a dog. He’s responsible for looking after Reba over an extended period – usually the length of the dog’s breeding career, which is between two to four years. It’s a role that requires patience, dedication, and attention to detail, but Bob finds it both challenging and deeply satisfying.

Reba with her puppies

With Reba, Bob tracks her heat cycles, makes frequent visits to the vet, and closely monitors her health before and during pregnancy. Two weeks prior to giving birth, Bob takes Reba to a Litter Host’s home, where she settles in and prepares for the arrival of her puppies.

Bob has supported Reba through two litters of puppies. Now, her first litter of puppies has completed their training and are beginning their service dog careers, a milestone that fills Bob with pride.

In 2024, Reba retired from breeding. When given the opportunity to adopt her as his pet, Bob didn’t hesitate. “I said ‘yes’ in a heartbeat. Reba loves to learn, and I knew we could keep making an impact together,” Bob explained.

Bob with one of Reba’s puppies

Now, Reba is certified as a therapy dog, is on ICAN’s ambassador dog team, and loves to learn new, advanced skills for educational demonstrations at schools and other events.

Volunteering with ICAN has become much more than a hobby for Bob. As he put it, “ICAN gives me purpose. It gives me an opportunity to give back. Some things only a dog can do, and I’m proud to be part of the process that allows me to give that gift to someone else.”

If you’d like to help unleash possibilities like Bob, contact ICAN Volunteer and Education Manager Julie Mathias at juliem@icandog.org.   


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