Spring 2024 Team Training

Put your paws together for our newest client pairings:

Kelly & ICAN Royal


Royal will work at Richard Ira Jones Middle School in Plainfield, IL. She will help students with daily lessons, problem-solving, and reading. Royal will also spend time in a special needs classroom, helping to calm students’ anxiety and interrupt unwanted behaviors.

Shelley & ICAN Penny


Penny will work at Abe Lincoln Elementary School in Indianapolis. She will provide classroom support to students, including participation in one/one and group lessons, emotional and social learning, and reading. She will also be a reward for appropriate behaviors.

Jeff & ICAN Nana


Nana is a psychiatric service dog who will assist Jeff, an Air Force veteran, and help him live an independent life. Nana will recognize Jeff’s signs of stress and alert/interrupt him, giving Jeff something else to focus on.

Kassie & ICAN Nova


Nova is a successor dog at Plainfield Academy Therapeutic Academic Program, an alternative learning environment for at risk youth in grades 6-12, in Plainfield, IL. For these children, she will provide emotional and social learning support, and serve as a reward for appropriate behaviors.

Miriam & ICAN Connie


Connie will work at Drauden Point Middle School in Joliet, IL. She will spend a great deal of time in three different special needs classrooms, serving as a calming tool for students and interrupting inappropriate behaviors through social bridge cues.


We invite you to support these new partnerships by making a gift in their honor.

Your generous donation will help us pay for Team Training, which costs ICAN nearly $1,000 per pair.

This amount enables ICAN the opportunity to provide proper gear for the service dog, meals for clients and handlers, training supplies and so much more.

Your donation will help unleash their abilities and give them a welcoming start to the beginning of their journeys together.


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Adventures in Puppy Sitting